Test Series

Using Blackboard learning journals as a form of online assessment

Translating creative assessment styles online: Blackboard learning journals

Traditional exams can inhibit students, while more creative assessments provide a forum where their talent and knowledge can shine. Madeleine Davies discusses a technique to offer creative assessments online

Madeleine Davies

University of Reading

Spotlight offering advice on the digital skills needed for effective online teaching and learning

Bridging the digital skills gap for teaching online

Guidance from academics and learning designers on the digital skills needed to teach and learn effectively online, and how to build them
Advice on designing and delivering effective online assessment

What does good assessment look like online?

Insight on designing and delivering authentic and fair assessment which works in the digital learning space
Spotlight offering advice on supporting student well-being when teaching online

Supporting student well-being from afar

Advice on supporting student well-being through your online teaching practices
Advice on leading the digital transformation of higher education

Leading the digital transformation of higher education

How to guide the development and use of digital technologies across higher education to ensure high quality, accessible teaching for the future
Spotlight collection offering advice on ensuring online teaching is safe and ethical

Safe and ethical online teaching

Advice on using learning technology and delivering online instruction responsibly to keep students and faculty secure
Spotlight 2

Digital teaching survey spotlight

Resources offering advice on the major challenges of online teaching highlighted by academics in our global survey

Gravity Assist: Propelling Sir Michael Barber's findings towards educational reality

Advice to meet the six key recommendations proposed by Sir Michael Barber in his review of online higher education for the Office for Students: Redesign pedagogy, curriculum and assessment; ensure digital access for all; build digital skills; harness technology effectively; embed inclusion; and plan strategically for high quality digital teaching.